Though the THC of this strain isn’t particularly high, you’ll find that doesn’t affect much about its appeal. The smell, however, might. Though the flavors are rich in spice and tartness, the aromas lean toward funky and almost putrid. The spiciness of the smoke tends to balance that out, though. Rest assured, these sage and purple colored buds are well worth the try.
The strength of this bud is largely described as narcotic, and because of this, it is not recommended for beginners and even some intermediate smokers. The high begins relatively easy going, then quickly dives into a hard and loopy state. It will be nearly impossible to keep your eyes open, or even steady for that matter, after just a few minutes. This cerebral rush ebbs and flows through the high that can sometimes last for hours.
Black Tuna is a heavy sedative and therefore is beneficial for sufferers of chronic pain, pain due to injury, inflammation, and insomnia. In some cases, a user’s appetite is greatly increased and as a result makes this strain great for the treatment of anorexia, lack of appetite, and other diseases, disorders, or syndromes where hunger is decreased dramatically. Mental health issues and other mood disorders such as depression, anxiety, stress, bipolar, and some mild cases of PTSD are also manageable with Black Tuna, however, it should not be used as primary treatment.
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