Showing 37–48 of 522 results


AAAA Gorilla Glue Live Resin


AAAA Gorilla Glue Live Resin

The high starts with a cerebral rush that leaves you feeling happy yet totally hazy, with no hope of focusing on anything any time soon. As your head high build and builds, your body will be washed over with a deep body buzz, leaving you feeling completely stoned and immovable. These effects last for hours on end and often end in a deep sleep for the lesser experienced. This bud has a super sour diesel chemical flavor that’s incredibly harsh and sticks to your tongue long after you finish toking.


AAAA Sour Bubba Full Spectrum


AAAA Sour Bubba Full Spectrum

Perfect for those nights when sleep just won’t seem to come, this baby brings on the relaxing full-bodied effects that any indica lover can only dream of. You’ll feel lifted at the onset of the high, filling your mind with a numbing tingle that eases away any mental aches or pains. This buzzing will soon spread throughout the rest of your body, leaving you totally relaxed and slightly sedated, locked to your couch. This bud has a classic sour diesel flavor with a hint of kush and spices upon exhale.



AAAA Skywalker OG Crumble Budder


AAAA Skywalker OG Crumble Budder

Skywalker OG has an aroma of spicy herbal jet fuel and a taste of spicy diesel with an herby aftertaste. Users describe the Skywalker OG high as a very heavy stoney high that leaves you utterly couch-locked, relaxed, and lethargic with an almost overwhelming case of the munchies. This is accompanied by a head-in-the-clouds euphoric head high that fades into a deep and peaceful sleep upon the come down.



Pineapple Trainwreck Sauce


Pineapple Trainwreck Sauce

THC levels are very high, topping 22% and possibly even 25%. That makes for a lazy, potent body high that reduces stress, sparks hunger, and encourages sleep. Those body effects make Bubba OG great for treating lack of appetite, chronic pain, insomnia, and anxiety, as well as headaches and depression. This strain has a strong, pungent earthy flavor with a floral aroma.



Mystery Mix Bin- AAA+ Smalls / No Grade Bigs / AA Bigs

$59.00-$89.00 $54.00 - $82.00

Mystery Mix Bin- AAA+ Smalls / No Grade Bigs / AA Bigs
Perfect for those seeking variety and adventure, our Mystery Mix Bin provides an opportunity to explore different strains and experiences without commitment. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing evening at home or an uplifting boost to your day, our Mystery Mix Bin has you covered.


AAAA+ Diamonds By Valley Farms – 1 Gram Packaged


Disclaimer: For orders over 25 units, we will diversify amongst all strains available automatically unless otherwise specified in order notes during checkout.

Mix and match option:
Buying bulk? Feel free to request a specific breakdown of other grams you would like, however, it must be the SAME or LESSER VALUE. Eg. Purchasing 250 units of AAAA Puff Canada Shatter, at checkout you may request half Valley Farms and half Puff Canada since it is the same pricing.

AAAA+ Diamonds By Valley Farms – 1 Gram Packaged
Diamonds are a highly concentrated form of cannabis that holds the potential to achieve 100% purity. That triple-digit number means that when you take one, you get nothing else but pure, unadulterated THC.



Space Runtz Live Resin


Space Runtz Live Resin

The Space Runtz high comes on a few minutes after your final exhale, filling your brain with a lifted sense of happiness and a touch of mental focus. You’ll feel creatively inspired and ready to perform any artistic task on your to do list. But you’d better hurry – a sense of deep relaxation comes next, washing over you and pulling you down into a sedated and sleepy state of pure calm and ease.


AAAA+ Budder By Island Exclusives – 1 Gram Packaged


AAAA+ Budder By Island Exclusives – 1 Gram Packaged

Budder is popular for a variety of reasons, including that it can be extremely high in THC (between 80-90%), but most importantly, it retains many of the terpenes found in marijuana. This means that it still has the delicious flavors and aromas that you would associate with premium, top-shelf flower. Budder is generally considered the most flavorful of concentrates by cannabis connoisseurs.

Automatic Diversity: For all orders 25 units or more, we will automatically send a diverse selection, unless otherwise specified in your order notes during checkout.

Bulk Mix & Match:
1. Add the total QTY desired to your cart eg. 1LB
2. In your order notes during checkout, please note the exact breakdown of mix & match desired Eg. 4 Strains * QP = 1LB
3. Important to note, the strains included in your order notes must be same or lesser value than item in cart or we will not be able to honour.
4. If one of your strains is out of stock, we will replace with it with additional of the other strains in your order notes.


AAAA Red Runtz Live Resin


AAAA Red Runtz Live Resin

This bud combines the best of both of its parent strains in the flavor department, with a sour yet sweet raspberry candy overtone accented by sugary fruits and a bouquet of fresh berries. The Red Runtz high isn’t quite as vibrant, with effects that are best suited for a lazy evening when you need a little extra help to get to sleep. You’ll feel calm from start to finish with a warming euphoria that has your mood in the clouds and your body locked to the couch.


AAAA Rainbow Sherbert Mediums By Green Valley

$54.00-$149.00 $54.00 - $139.00

AAAA Rainbow Sherbert Mediums By Green Valley – 22% THC

This bud has a sweet berry fruity flavor that has a sugary exhale with a kick of fresh mint to it. The Rainbow Sherbet high hits you almost immediately after your first exhale with a mental rush of cerebral energy that lifts your spirits and infuses you with a sense of creativity with a touch of focus. As your mind brightens, your body will drop off into a state of deep relaxation that quickly turns into a heavy body stone.


AAAA Purple Runtz Mediums By Green Valley

$54.00-$149.00 $54.00 - $139.00

AAAA Purple Runtz Mediums By Green Valley – 18% THC

The flavor is on the sweeter side of things, with a fresh tropical citrus overtone accented by sweet and sugary grape candy. The Purple Runtz high is just as delicious, with stimulating and lifted effects that will boost the mind while helping the body truly settle down into a state of pure ease. You’ll feel euphoric with a happy sense of stimulating mental energy that quickly turns tingly and arousing.


AAAA Super Green Crack Sauce


AAAA Super Green Crack Sauce

You’ll feel energetic, creative, and extremely vivacious. This high builds quickly but doesn’t completely destroy you or leave you overly anxious. Rather, you’ll feel focused and motivated and be ready to tackle whatever comes your way that day. Super Green Crack has a memorable aroma of pungent earthy lemon with a hint of skunk and a taste of pungent lemon herbs with a hint of earthy skunk that intensifies as you exhale.