Showing 37–40 of 40 results


Garlic Breath Bubble Hash


Garlic Breath Bubble Hash

Named for its surprisingly garlicky flavor, Garlic Breath is a favorite of indica lovers for its super calming high that’s perfect for a late night when you just can’t seem to get to sleep. The high starts with a subtle lift of the spirits that infuses you with a sense of pure happiness and ease, erasing any negative or racing thoughts immediately.


Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


Cherry Concussion Bubble Hash


Cherry Concussion Bubble Hash

This indica-dominant hybrid offers a delightful combination of sweet cherry and earthy undertones, creating a truly enjoyable smoking experience. With its balanced high, Cherry Concussion delivers a euphoric and uplifting sensation followed by deep relaxation.


Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


Meat Breath Bubble Hash


Meat Breath Bubble Hash

You’ll feel a euphoric onset settle into your mind soon after your final toke, filling you with a lifted energy that’s pretty mellow. As your mind lifts, your body will begin to settle into a light relaxed state that leaves you completely pain-free and at ease with the world around you. Meatbreath has a super dank and spicy citrus diesel flavor that has a notable hint of meatloaf upon exhale.


Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


Pink Kush Hash

Pink Kush Hash

Pink Kush High is just as addictive as the flavor, with lifted and relaxing effects that are perfect for kicking back with friends. The high starts with an influx of cerebral euphoria, launching you into a state of pure happiness and hazy bliss.