Showing 25–36 of 39 results


Polar Bear Hash


Polar Bear Hash

This hash leaves you relaxed after consuming it. It produces a sense of well-being, and sometimes it makes you dizzy.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


Gold Seal Afghan Hash – Grape Express Flavored


Gold Seal Afghan Hash – Grape Express Flavored

The effects are almost narcotic and produces a very physical and stony high. It’s absolutely incredible to add some to a joint or smoke a bit in the pipe.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.



Pink Kush Bubble Hash


Pink Kush Bubble Hash

Pink Kush carries on the legacy, delivering a potent body high that’s very effective as medical treatment. The effects are calming and intensely euphoric, with happiness and a powerful case of the munchies. It’s a versatile tool for treating anxiety, depression, inflammation, lack of appetite, migraines and other headaches, mood disorders, chronic pain, and insomnia.


Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


AAAA Soft Black Hash


AAAA Soft Black Hash

This high-quality hash boasts a rich, earthy aroma and a smooth, velvety texture, making it a delight for the senses. With its potent effects, including deep relaxation and euphoria, this hash is perfect for experienced enthusiasts looking to elevate their cannabis experience.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


Atomic Pink Bubble Hash


Atomic Pink Bubble Hash

This Indica-dominant hybrid offers a balanced experience, delivering a euphoric and uplifting high followed by deep relaxation. With its fruity and floral aroma, Atomic Pink tantalizes the taste buds and leaves a lasting impression.


Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


Gold Seal Afghan Hash – Peaches & Cream Flavored


Gold Seal Afghan Hash – Peaches & Cream Flavored

1000G = $2699!! LIMITED BULK

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.

Use Bulk5 for an additional 5% off bulk orders (QP+)

The effects are almost narcotic and produces a very physical and stony high. It’s absolutely incredible to add some to a joint or smoke a bit in the pipe.





AAAA+ Afghan Dragon Freeze Dried Hash


AAAA+ Afghan Dragon Freeze Dried Hash

Renowned for its powerful and long-lasting effects, Afghan Dragon Hash is perfect for both recreational and medicinal use, providing deep relaxation and a soothing body high.  Treat yourself to the exceptional quality and purity of our Afghan Dragon Freeze Dried Hash, the ultimate choice for hash connoisseurs.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


Cookie OG Bubble Hash


Cookie OG Bubble Hash

The strain has a moderate THC level that produces a strong, but not too powerful body buzz. This medicinal marijuana strain has cerebral effects on your system that creates a long lasting cerebral high. Its body buzz begins from your head and gradually takes over your entire system. The taste of this strain is quite strong and rich.


Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


AAAA+ Blonde Maroc Freeze Dried Hash


AAAA+ Blonde Maroc Freeze Dried Hash

This exceptional hash offers a smooth and potent smoking experience, with rich, earthy flavors that are perfectly preserved through the freeze-drying process. The Blonde Maroc variety is known for its unique, light color and robust effects, making it a favorite among hash enthusiasts.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


AAAA+ Apricot Cream Freeze Dried Hash


AAAA+ Apricot Cream Freeze Dried Hash

This premium hash delivers an unmatched smooth and rich smoking experience, capturing the essence of the finest apricot and cream flavors. Perfect for connoisseurs seeking a high-quality, potent, and delicious hash, this product promises a luxurious, elevated experience. Enjoy the creamy, fruity notes and potent effects of our Apricot Cream Freeze Dried Hash.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


Garlic Breath Bubble Hash


Garlic Breath Bubble Hash

Named for its surprisingly garlicky flavor, Garlic Breath is a favorite of indica lovers for its super calming high that’s perfect for a late night when you just can’t seem to get to sleep. The high starts with a subtle lift of the spirits that infuses you with a sense of pure happiness and ease, erasing any negative or racing thoughts immediately.


Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


Cherry Concussion Bubble Hash


Cherry Concussion Bubble Hash

This indica-dominant hybrid offers a delightful combination of sweet cherry and earthy undertones, creating a truly enjoyable smoking experience. With its balanced high, Cherry Concussion delivers a euphoric and uplifting sensation followed by deep relaxation.


Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.