Showing 13–24 of 64 results


House Budget Sauce – Incredible Hulk


House Budget Sauce – Incredible Hulk

You’ll feel an energetic onset at the start of the Incredible Hulk high that fills you with a lifted sense of focus and pure happiness. As this effect expands and your mind soars through bright creativity, your body will start to drop off into a state of tingly relaxation. This bud has a sweet berry herbal flavor and a dank woody aroma to match.


AAA+ Bruce Banner Full Spectrum


AAA+ Bruce Banner Full Spectrum

The high starts with a cerebral rush that leaves you feeling happy yet totally hazy, with no hope of focusing on anything any time soon. As your head high build and builds, your body will be washed over with a deep body buzz, leaving you feeling completely stoned and immovable. These effects last for hours on end and often end in a deep sleep for the lesser experienced. This bud has a super sour diesel chemical flavor that’s incredibly harsh and sticks to your tongue long after you finish toking.


AAAA Slurricane Live Resin


AAAA Slurricane Live Resin

This bud packs a super sweet fruity berry flavor accented by spicy tropical fruits and earth upon exhale. The Slurricane high settles in a few minutes after your first delicious exhale, creeping up on the back of your head with tingly effects before suddenly taking hold. You’ll feel a soaring euphoria grow and grow, filling you with an expansive happiness that pushes out any negative thoughts.


AAAA Red Runtz Live Resin


AAAA Red Runtz Live Resin

This bud combines the best of both of its parent strains in the flavor department, with a sour yet sweet raspberry candy overtone accented by sugary fruits and a bouquet of fresh berries. The Red Runtz high isn’t quite as vibrant, with effects that are best suited for a lazy evening when you need a little extra help to get to sleep. You’ll feel calm from start to finish with a warming euphoria that has your mood in the clouds and your body locked to the couch.


AAAA GMO Cookies Caviar


AAAA GMO Cookies Caviar

This bud has a deliciously savory garlic flavor with a pungent spicy exhale that stays on your tongue long after your final toke. The GMO Cookies high is truly one to behold, with long-lasting effects that will have you flying high and staying there for hours on end before you fade away into a deep and peaceful sleep. You’ll feel totally relaxed and lifted with a deep sense of relaxation that permeates both mind and body with heavily sedative effects.


AAAA Gelato Runtz Budder


AAAA Gelato Runtz Budder

As its name suggests, Gelato Runtz has a super sweet yet sour citrusy candy flavor with touches of creamy vanilla upon exhale. The Gelato Runtz high starts almost as soon as you exhale, filling your brain with a lifted sense of pure happiness and ease. You’ll feel mentally energized with a touch of creative focus, which works well for conversations, but not much of anything else.


AAAA Super Bubba Caviar


AAAA Super Bubba Caviar

Super Bubba is widely considered a favorite Bubba descendant thanks to its immediate effects and super high potency level. The high hits you between the eyes almost as soon as you exhale, filling your brain with a lifted sense of happiness that leaves you with no room for any bad moods or thoughts. As your mind settles into this happy and dazed state, a soothing body high will begin to sneak in, settling into your arms and legs with a light weightiness.

Automatic Diversity: For all orders 25 units or more, we will automatically send a diverse selection, unless otherwise specified in your order notes during checkout.

Bulk Mix & Match:
1. Add the total QTY desired to your cart eg. 1LB
2. In your order notes during checkout, please note the exact breakdown of mix & match desired Eg. 4 Strains * QP = 1LB
3. Important to note, the strains included in your order notes must be same or lesser value than item in cart or we will not be able to honour.
4. If one of your strains is out of stock, we will replace with it with additional of the other strains in your order notes.



AAAA Tom Ford Bubba Kush Sauce


AAAA Tom Ford Bubba Kush Sauce

The high comes on with a creeping effect, slowly sneaking up on you with a lifted effect that settles into your mind with a happy and euphoric feeling that pushes out any negative or racing thoughts almost immediately. As your mind settles into this happy and unfocused state, your body will begin to fade away, too, dropping off into pure relaxation and ease. This bud has a sweet yet spicy chocolate coffee flavor with an earthy and herbal aroma to match.


AAAA+ Pacific Frost Shatter


AAAA+ Pacific Frost Shatter


Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.

          Additionally, we offer the option to mix and match with other AAAA+ Bulk Shatter of the same or lesser value. If you would like to take advantage of this option, please indicate your preferences in the order notes during checkout.

Use Bulk5 for an additional 5% off bulk orders (QP+)


The flavor is on the lighter side of things, with a spicy fruity grape overtone accented by hints of fresh berries and herbs. The Pacific Frost high hits you almost as soon as you exhale, filling your mind with a lifted sense of cerebral happiness. This bliss will instantly wash away any negative or racing thoughts, replacing them with a sense of unfocused happiness.





AAAA Motorbreath Budder


AAAA Motorbreath Budder

The Motorbreath high is just as potent as the flavor, with calming effects that are best suited for late nights when sleep just won’t come. The high starts with a lifted relaxation that fills your mind with warm tingly euphoria and a sense of ease. A numbing body high comes next, lulling you into a slightly couch-locked and sedative state that can quickly leave you dozing off and on as the high continues. This bud is infamous for its insanely potent diesel flavor that’s accented by sharp citrus and earth upon exhale.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our live chat team for details. Please allow orders over 125g for 1-5 business days.

           Additionally, we offer the option to mix and match with other AAAA Bulk Shatter of the same or lesser value. If you want to take advantage of this option, please indicate your preferences in the order notes during checkout.



AAAA+ Blissful Wizard Budder


AAAA+ Blissful Wizard Budder

This tasty bud is a favorite to use to make hash because of its powerful effects and enticing flavor. The Blissful Wizard high is just as happy as you’d imagine, with a blissful euphoric onset that launches your mind into a hazy state of complete happiness. As your mood builds and builds you’ll find yourself becoming more and more talkative with no real filter on what you say.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our live chat team for details. Please allow orders over 125g for 1-5 business days.

           Additionally, we offer the option to mix and match with other AAAA+ Bulk Shatter of the same or lesser value. If you want to take advantage of this option, please indicate your preferences in the order notes during checkout.


AAAA+ Super Sour Diesel Caviar


AAAA+ Super Sour Diesel Caviar

Users describe the Super Sour Diesel high one that is incredibly strong, almost to the point of being overpowering. You’ll feel intensely happy and uplifted but spacey and easily distracted. Despite being a little out of it, Super Sour Diesel will leave you feeling relaxed and creative, with tendencies towards slight anxiety if too much is smoked at once.

Bulk Mix & Match:
1. Add the total QTY desired to your cart eg. 1LB
2. In your order notes during checkout, please note the exact breakdown of mix & match desired Eg. 4 Strains * QP = 1LB
3. Important to note, the strains included in your order notes must be same or lesser value than item in cart or we will not be able to honour.
4. If one of your strains is out of stock, we will replace with it with additional of the other strains in your order notes.