Cannabis oil distillates are arguably the future of cannabis concentrates.

With unmatched purity and sheer versatility, distillate oils provide a clean and potent product with limitless application potential.

Given the sheer versatility of cannabis distillate oils, it’s no wonder this product is worth its weight in gold. Distillation may be relatively new to the current cannabis concentrate market, but rest assured that this well-developed botanical extraction technique is suited to set the paradigm for cannabis extraction and refinement.

If you desire the cleanest, clearest, and by far the most potent concentrate available on the market, cannabis oil distillate may just be the perfect product for you.

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D9 Distillate 88-89% THC


D9 Distillate 88-89% THC

Derived through a meticulous distillation process, D9 offers a pure and concentrated form of THC, ensuring a potent and consistent experience. The remarkable 88-89% THC level places it among the upper echelons of cannabis concentrates, catering to seasoned enthusiasts seeking a robust and elevated encounter.

Disclaimer: For all orders 250g and more, please anticipate for 3-5 business days delay for shipping.