Showing 25–36 of 300 results


Pink Kush Hash

Pink Kush Hash

Pink Kush High is just as addictive as the flavor, with lifted and relaxing effects that are perfect for kicking back with friends. The high starts with an influx of cerebral euphoria, launching you into a state of pure happiness and hazy bliss.


AAAA+ Fucking Incredible Caviar


AAAA+ Fucking Incredible Caviar

Fucking Incredible has an infamous aroma of pungent earthy skunk and a taste akin to wet earth with a potent aftertaste of skunk upon exhale. Users describe the Fucking Incredible high as exactly that – fucking incredible! You’ll feel a warming body buzz start in the back of your neck and head that slowly spreads throughout your body, leaving you numbed and relaxed. This feeling is accompanied by feelings of ease and complete mind and body pain relief.

NoteIf you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 5-7 business days.

           Additionally, we offer the option to mix and match with other AAAA Bulk Budder of the same or lesser value. If you would like to take advantage of this option, please indicate your preferences in the order notes during checkout.


AAAA Star Pebbles Budder


AAAA Star Pebbles Budder

It starts in your mind with a lifted sense of happiness that washes over you, lulling you into a state of pure mental calm and ease. You’ll be free of any negative or racing thoughts as your mind flies higher and higher, filled with happy creativity and bliss. At the same time, your body will begin to settle into a soothing state of relaxation and ease that has you feeling pretty sleepy at times.


AAAA+ Rocky Mountain Moonshine Diamonds


AAAA+ Rocky Mountain Moonshine Diamonds

The perfect sativa to get you up and moving, Rocky Mountain Moonshine packs energizing and lifted effects that will leave you soaring in both mind and body. Your cerebral state will be lifted with a sense of creative energy and motivation that gets your mental gears turning. At the same time, a soothing body high will sneak into your limbs, helping to calm aching muscles without causing any sedation to speak of. This bud has a sour citrusy lemon flavor with a lightly peppery and flowery exhale.



AAAA+ Airside OG Diamonds


AAAA+ Airside OG Diamonds

Named for its airy and floating high, Airside OG is perfect for any indica lover who wants to feel lifted yet relaxed for hours on end. You’ll feel a slow creep of effects washes over you, filling your brain with a sticky happiness that instantly pushes out any negative or racing thoughts, replacing them with a hazy bliss. This bud has a sweet and sour fruity apple flavor with a lightly woody and spicy exhale.


House Budget Pink Death Sauce


House Budget Pink Death Sauce

Each delicious inhale brings spicy cinnamon and berries with a kick of earthy diesel the savory exhale. The Pink Death high comes soon after your final toke, creeping up on you before taking ahold of both mind and body with brute force. This effect quickly turns stoney, dropping you into a super sleepy and relaxing state that leaves you couch-locked and completely immovable. Additionally, this strain is perfect for filling pens. Add some distillate to get the perfect consistency! Also great for super cheap sauce smoke, offering many uses!



Cookie OG Bubble Hash


Cookie OG Bubble Hash

The strain has a moderate THC level that produces a strong, but not too powerful body buzz. This medicinal marijuana strain has cerebral effects on your system that creates a long lasting cerebral high. Its body buzz begins from your head and gradually takes over your entire system. The taste of this strain is quite strong and rich.


Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


Meat Breath Bubble Hash


Meat Breath Bubble Hash

You’ll feel a euphoric onset settle into your mind soon after your final toke, filling you with a lifted energy that’s pretty mellow. As your mind lifts, your body will begin to settle into a light relaxed state that leaves you completely pain-free and at ease with the world around you. Meatbreath has a super dank and spicy citrus diesel flavor that has a notable hint of meatloaf upon exhale.


Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


AAAA Mac 1 Shatter


AAAA Mac 1 Shatter

This celebrity child takes the beloved effects of MAC and amps it up a notch to a whole new level, with a super lifted feeling that will have you flying higher and higher the more that you toke. The high starts in the head with a rushing euphoria that fills your mind with an expansive happiness, gently easing away negative or racing thoughts and replacing them with creative motivation and pure happiness. This bud has a classic sour diesel flavor with a spicy herbal overtone that’s accented by sweet citrus.


Bubblegum Live Resin By Green Valley


Bubblegum Live Resin By Green Valley

It took several years to finally come up with a stable bubblegum strain with the typical sweet odor and euphoric high. The strain got its name for its smell which is just like the pink bubble gum. This medical marijuana strain was able to acquire a quick reputation for its sweetness. It has a mild taste with bubble gum flavor both during inhale and exhale.



AAAA Gorilla Glue Live Resin


AAAA Gorilla Glue Live Resin

The high starts with a cerebral rush that leaves you feeling happy yet totally hazy, with no hope of focusing on anything any time soon. As your head high build and builds, your body will be washed over with a deep body buzz, leaving you feeling completely stoned and immovable. These effects last for hours on end and often end in a deep sleep for the lesser experienced. This bud has a super sour diesel chemical flavor that’s incredibly harsh and sticks to your tongue long after you finish toking.


AAAA Sour Bubba Full Spectrum


AAAA Sour Bubba Full Spectrum

Perfect for those nights when sleep just won’t seem to come, this baby brings on the relaxing full-bodied effects that any indica lover can only dream of. You’ll feel lifted at the onset of the high, filling your mind with a numbing tingle that eases away any mental aches or pains. This buzzing will soon spread throughout the rest of your body, leaving you totally relaxed and slightly sedated, locked to your couch. This bud has a classic sour diesel flavor with a hint of kush and spices upon exhale.