Showing 37–45 of 45 results


Strawberries N Creme Bubble Hash


Strawberries N Creme Bubble Hash

Strawberries and Cream has a sweet and fruity strawberry berry flavor with a rich creamy exhale that is slightly spicy at times. The Strawberries and Cream high settles in a few minutes after your final toke, hitting the brain first before spreading throughout your physical form. You’ll feel a lifted sense that launches your mind into a cerebral state of energy and happiness, pushing out any negative or racing thoughts immediately.


Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


Meat Breath Bubble Hash


Meat Breath Bubble Hash

You’ll feel a euphoric onset settle into your mind soon after your final toke, filling you with a lifted energy that’s pretty mellow. As your mind lifts, your body will begin to settle into a light relaxed state that leaves you completely pain-free and at ease with the world around you. Meatbreath has a super dank and spicy citrus diesel flavor that has a notable hint of meatloaf upon exhale.


Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


Headbanger Bubble Hash


Headbanger Bubble Hash

The strain is known as headbanger for good reason. Its high will overwhelm your senses in no time. It primarily offers a cerebral high and will make it easier for you to focus and concentrate on the task at hand. You will feel happy and euphoric at the same time, which is just what you will need if you are finding it difficult to keep things interesting.


Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


Sour Jamaican Lime Bubble Hash


Sour Jamaican Lime Bubble Hash

Sour Jamaican Lime has a sweet and sour citrus lime taste that quickly turns peppery upon exhale. The Sour Jamaican Lime high hits you almost as soon as you exhale, launching your mind into pure happy euphoria that immediately leaves your mind unfocused and has you drifting through blissful stoniness. Soon, this effect will spread throughout the rest of your body, leaving you totally sedated and stoned beyond all reason.


Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


AAAA+ Blueberry Afgoo White Hash


AAAA+ Blueberry Afgoo White Hash

This premium white hash is known for its superior potency and pure, clean extraction. With a delightful flavor profile that combines sweet blueberry notes with earthy undertones, Blueberry Afgoo White Hash provides a smooth and satisfying smoking experience. Perfect for those seeking a potent and relaxing high, this hash will help you unwind and de-stress with ease.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


AAAA+ Dosido White Hash


AAAA+ Dosido White Hash

Renowned for its exceptional potency and purity, this white hash delivers a smooth, rich flavor profile with notes of sweet earthiness and floral undertones. Perfect for those seeking a powerful and long-lasting high, Dosido White Hash offers a deeply relaxing experience that melts away stress and tension.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


AAAA+ OG Ultra White Hash


AAAA+ OG Ultra White Hash

Known for its exceptional potency and smooth, clean taste, OG Ultra White Hash provides a rich, aromatic smoke that true connoisseurs will appreciate. Whether you’re seeking deep relaxation or an elevated state of mind, this top-tier hash offers a consistent and satisfying high. Elevate your hashish experience with AAAA+ OG Ultra White Hash.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


AAAA+ Rockstar White Hash


AAAA+ Rockstar White Hash

The Rockstar high starts with a cerebral head rush a few minutes after toking that leaves you uplifted and extremely happy with active tendencies and motivation. As this powerful head high builds, you’ll slowly feel a creeping body buzz wash over you that leaves you completely relaxed in every single muscle, leaving you helplessly couch-locked and in a state of pure bliss. This bud has an aroma of spicy grapey earth with a hint of skunky pungent herbs and a taste of spiced mulled wine with a pungent slightly skunky exhale.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


AAAA Branded Hash Bars – Multiple Strains Available


AAAA Branded Hash Bars – Multiple Strains Available

Enjoy the rich, aromatic smoke and the smooth, long-lasting high that these high-quality hash bars deliver. Perfect for both connoisseurs and casual users alike, our AAAA Branded Hash Bars are a must-try.

Disclaimer: Please note that if the specific hash strain you have chosen for your order is out of stock, it will be replaced with the next best available strain to ensure timely delivery and satisfaction.

Bulk Mix & Match:
1. Add the total QTY desired to your cart .
2. In your order notes during checkout, please note the exact breakdown of mix & match desired.
3. Important to note, the strains included in your order notes must be the same or lesser value than the item in cart or we will not be able to honor.
4. If one of your strains is out of stock, we will replace with it with additional of the other strains in your order notes.