Showing 25–28 of 28 results


AAAA+ Mazar Sharif Hash


AAAA+ Mazar Sharif

Mazar I Sharif gives a heavy, relaxing body high with a strong euphoric boost. This strain is thought to contain high levels of CBD, a substance used to treat seizures and other conditions, although the exact proportions are unknown. Mazar I Sharif tastes and smells like earth and flowers with hints of lavender.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g+ please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


Rolex Moroccan Hash


Rolex Moroccan Hash

Rolex Moroccan hash is hard, non-pliable by touch and organically produced. It is a very heavy indica which makes it quite potent. The taste is so smooth that it does not harm the throat. The Moroccan Rolex hash smells sweet but lightly spicy. When you smoke it, it burns with an ember.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


AAAA Pakistani Hash


AAAA Pakistani Hash

They come on with a creeping effect, slowly sneaking up on both mind and body before suddenly taking hold with a heavy sedative potency. You’ll feel totally relaxed from head to toe with an almost overwhelming laziness that makes you feel like doing absolutely nothing at all other than sleep or snack.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


AAAA+ Blonde Morrocan Hash


AAAA+ Blonde Morrocan Hash

In Morocco, the term “kif” is frequently used for the flower, i.e. the hashish. In the West, “kif” is often used for the special Moroccan blonde hashish. When the milder leaves are used, this is called “habisha”, which would resemble marijuana.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.