Showing 13–24 of 266 results


Gold Seal Afghan Hash – Bubblegum Express Flavored


Gold Seal Afghan Hash – Bubblegum Express Flavored

The effects are almost narcotic and produces a very physical and stony high. It’s absolutely incredible to add some to a joint or smoke a bit in the pipe.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


Zig Zag Hash (Soft Caramel)


Zig Zag Hash (Soft Caramel)

When inhaled, this sticky rubbed hash fills your lungs with an earthy, resinous smoke and once exhaled leaves a soft and pleasant aftertaste. A perfect addition to a joint or on it’s own in a bowl. The high is light and talkative.


AAAA+ Blonde Morrocan Hash


AAAA+ Blonde Morrocan Hash

In Morocco, the term “kif” is frequently used for the flower, i.e. the hashish. In the West, “kif” is often used for the special Moroccan blonde hashish. When the milder leaves are used, this is called “habisha”, which would resemble marijuana.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


AAAA Midnight Express Hash


AAAA Midnight Express Hash

This bud has a mouthwatering sweet tropical flavor with hints of grape bubblegum.  The Midnight Express high is pretty mellow in nature, with effects that are rather reserved instead of hitting you hard. You’ll feel a lifted onset a few minutes after your first toke, filling your cerebral state with a budding euphoria that pushes away any negative or racing thoughts with ease.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


Bentley BC Hash


Bentley BC Hash

Users describe the Bentley OG high as an onset of a strong warming body buzz that leaves you calm, sleepy, and intensely couch-locked. You’ll experience an instant body melt into wherever you are sitting followed by an overwhelming feeling of lethargy and an almost immediate fall into a deep and peaceful sleep.


Gold Seal Afghan Hash – Pineapple Express Flavored


Gold Seal Afghan Hash – Pineapple Express Flavored

The effects are almost narcotic and produces a very physical and stony high. It’s absolutely incredible to add some to a joint or smoke a bit in the pipe.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details. On orders over 250g please allow for a potential 1-5 business days.


Pink Kush Hash


Pink Kush Hash

Pink Kush High is just as addictive as the flavor, with lifted and relaxing effects that are perfect for kicking back with friends. The high starts with an influx of cerebral euphoria, launching you into a state of pure happiness and hazy bliss.


President’s Choice Hash


President’s Choice Hash

The genes are overwhelmingly indica (10:90 sativa/indica ratio), yet they deliver a combination of head and body effects, including a relaxing physical buzz and happy, euphoric cerebral effects. Presidents Choice is sometimes used to treat eating disorders and wasting conditions because it induces a powerful case of the munchies.


AAAA+ Double Dipped Moonrocks


AAAA+ Double Dipped Moonrocks

Moon rocks are a form of cannabis that shouldn’t be underestimated. They were made for connoisseurs looking for a way to elevate their smoking experience. Unless you consume concentrated cannabis on the regular, smoking some moon rocks is bound to be a trip. You’ll want water, snacks and good vibes around if you’re trying them for the first time.

If you are a strict joint or blunt smoker, you can use moon rocks to enhance the experience. Mix some moonrock into any ground up weed to help make it smoke to the end.

For a simpler way to enjoy moon rocks without interruption, we recommend smoking them in glass like a bowl or bong with a lighter. Once you have the moonrock shredded into smaller pieces, you can load them into a bowl piece. If you’ve never tried a moonrock, prepare yourself for the strongest bong rip or bowl hit of your life.


Green Valley’s Death Bubba Live Resin (Indica)



1000G = $5549!! LIMITED BULK

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Please contact our live chat team for details.

There may be a 2-4 business day delay for orders over 250g. For bulk orders over 250g, specify your strain breakdown during checkout and we will do our best to fulfill your strain requests.

Use Bulk5 for 5% off bulk orders (QP+)

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Green Valley’s Death Bubba Live Resin

This dank bud boasts an insanely high THC level that ranges between 25-27% and effects that can end in an almost death-like sleep. Almost immediately after smoking, you’ll feel a wave of rushing focused energy wash over you that leaves you uplifted and motivated with tendencies towards having psychoactive experiences.






Gold Seal Afghan Hash – Coffee Crisp Flavored


Gold Seal Afghan Hash – Coffee Crisp Flavored

The effects are almost narcotic and produce a very physical and stony high. It’s incredible to add some to a joint or smoke a bit in the pipe.



AAAA Live Resin By Valley Farms – Multiple Strains Available


AAAA Live Resin By Valley Farms – Multiple Strains Available

Looking for a premium cannabis concentrate that delivers an exceptional experience? Look no further than AAAA Live Resin by Valley Farms! With multiple strains available to choose from and a specialized extraction process that preserves the full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes, this live resin is sure to satisfy even the most discerning cannabis connoisseurs.