Showing 25–36 of 95 results


AAAA Gelato Glue Live Resin


AAAA Gelato Glue Live Resin

Gorilla Glue Gelato has a unique spicy fruity flavor with hints of rich chocolate and berries on exhale.  The high starts with a relaxing lift that fills your mind with pure euphoria and a touch of happy creativity. As your mind settles into bliss, your body will start to drop off into a deeply relaxed state that leaves you sedated and pretty sleepy at times.



AAAA White Fire Live Resin


AAAA White Fire Live Resin

The White Fire high comes on almost immediately as you exhale, smashing into your mind with a sense of uplifted cerebral clarity that infuses you with a sense of focus and purpose. As your mental capabilities grow, your body will slowly succumb to a creeping sense of sedation that leaves you feeling exceptionally lazy, although not couch-locked or sleepy. The flavor is of sweet yet sour citrus and pepper, with a smell that’s very much the same although it brings in a touch of earthy diesel at times.



AAAA Diablo OG Kush Live Resin


AAAA Diablo OG Kush Live Resin

This dank bud boasts an insanely high THC level that ranges from 16-28% on average and a delicious lemony pine taste and floral lemony pine smell. Users describe the Diablo OG Kush high as having an immediate onset of a heady cerebral head high that leaves you motivated, focused, and euphoric with substantial waves of creative and inspiring energy. This is followed by a slowly creeping lazy couch-lock that leaves you completely sedated and at ease with significant pain relief in both mind and body.



AAAA White Wedding Live Resin


AAAA White Wedding Live Resin

Like its parent strains, White Wedding has a super sweet and cakey vanilla flavor with touches of creamy nuttiness and a pinch of spicy coffee. The White Wedding high is just as amazing, with tingling full-bodied effects that will instantly stimulate both mind and body. You’ll feel lifted with a sense of giddy euphoria from start to finish with White Wedding, all wrapped up with a super calming physical high that will really help you kick back and relax for hours on end.



AAAA Gorilla Bomb Live Resin


AAAA Gorilla Bomb Live Resin

The Gorilla Bomb high explodes in your brain first, launching it into a lifted energetic state that fades in and out of focus. Your body will start to fall into a deeply relaxed tingly state at this point, which quickly turns sedative and leaves you hopelessly couch-locked for hours and hours on end. This bud has a super tasty chocolate diesel flavor with a sweet exhale.



AAAA Pineapple Express Live Resin


AAAA Pineapple Express Live Resin

The taste is quite extraordinary with a hint of pineapple while you inhale. Pineapple Express is chosen to treat a lot of medical problems including anxiety and stress. After a smoke, you will realize Pineapple Express is calming and stimulating at the same time. Not only will it heighten all your senses but you will feel energized all the while observing an increase in focus, awareness, and creativity.


Pre 998 Bubba Live Resin By Green Valley


Pre 998 Bubba Live Resin By Green Valley

You will be surprised to find out it has a coffee aftertaste to it while exhaling. After smoking it a deep relaxation sets in and allows you to relax while fending off depression and anxiety at the same time. Additionally, you will not have to worry about it wearing off right away as its effects last longer than what you would expect it to be.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Don’t hesitate to contact our live chat team for details. Please allow orders over 125g for 1-5 business days.

           Additionally, we offer the option to mix and match with other AAAA Bulk Shatter of the same or lesser value. If you want to take advantage of this option, please indicate your preferences in the order notes during checkout.



Headband OG Live Resin By Green Valley


Headband OG Live Resin By Green Valley

The effects of Headband OG are long-lasting as patients have claimed to feel the effects after hours of its use. The taste however is a journey in itself – starting from the strong skunky inhale, later turning into a sweet exhale with a skunk aftertaste.

Note: If you would like your shipment weighed up by the gram, it is an additional fee. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our live chat team for details. Please allow orders over 125g for 1-5 business days.

           Additionally, we offer the option to mix and match with other AAAA Bulk Shatter of the same or lesser value. If you want to take advantage of this option, please indicate your preferences in the order notes during checkout.


Bubblegum Live Resin By Green Valley


Bubblegum Live Resin By Green Valley

It took several years to finally come up with a stable bubblegum strain with the typical sweet odor and euphoric high. The strain got its name for its smell which is just like the pink bubble gum. This medical marijuana strain was able to acquire a quick reputation for its sweetness. It has a mild taste with bubble gum flavor both during inhale and exhale.



Pink Tuna Live Resin


Pink Tuna Live Resin

The high starts with cerebral effects that suddenly crash through your mind, leaving you utterly euphoric and pretty unfocused at times with a tendency to drift away into space. As your mind settles, your body will start to drop off into a deeply relaxing tingly state, which lulls you into a heavy couch-lock. This effect quickly turns sedative, leaving you dozing off and on in a state of pure happiness and peace. Pink Tuna buds have a sweet and sour fruity diesel flavor with a heavy pungent aroma to match.



AAAA Slurricane Live Resin


AAAA Slurricane Live Resin

This bud packs a super sweet fruity berry flavor accented by spicy tropical fruits and earth upon exhale. The Slurricane high settles in a few minutes after your first delicious exhale, creeping up on the back of your head with tingly effects before suddenly taking hold. You’ll feel a soaring euphoria grow and grow, filling you with an expansive happiness that pushes out any negative thoughts.


AAAA Red Runtz Live Resin


AAAA Red Runtz Live Resin

This bud combines the best of both of its parent strains in the flavor department, with a sour yet sweet raspberry candy overtone accented by sugary fruits and a bouquet of fresh berries. The Red Runtz high isn’t quite as vibrant, with effects that are best suited for a lazy evening when you need a little extra help to get to sleep. You’ll feel calm from start to finish with a warming euphoria that has your mood in the clouds and your body locked to the couch.