Showing 13–24 of 93 results


AAA+ Wedding Crasher Live Resin


AAA+ Wedding Crasher Live Resin

You’ll feel a lift at the onset of the high, immediately slamming into your mind with a sense of happiness and motivation. You’ll be infused with a sense of creative energy and focus that has you feeling laser-sharp with mental clarity that replaces any negative feelings or racing thoughts. This bud has a sweet and fruity grape berry flavor with a light vanilla exhale.



AAAA Live Resin By Valley Farms – Multiple Strains Available


AAAA Live Resin By Valley Farms – Multiple Strains Available

Looking for a premium cannabis concentrate that delivers an exceptional experience? Look no further than AAAA Live Resin by Valley Farms! With multiple strains available to choose from and a specialized extraction process that preserves the full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes, this live resin is sure to satisfy even the most discerning cannabis connoisseurs.


AAAA+ Candyland Live Resin


AAAA+ Candyland Live Resin

Those genes make for an upbeat, stimulating high that spurs creativity and provides energy for daytime tasks. Euphoria is the prominent effect when smoking Candyland, with a strong mood boost and some relaxation. Candyland has a strong sweet flavor and smell, with an earthy, spicy undertone.



AAAA Agent Orange Live Resin


AAAA Agent Orange Live Resin

Agent Orange produces an uplifting cerebral high ideal for depression, anxiety, and migraines. It can be useful in treating minor aches and pains, but it isn’t recommended for treatment of chronic pain. The high starts to descend after just half an hour, making this a good strain for daytime activities and house chores. Agent Orange smells like citrus, naturally, and it tastes like sweet and spicy oranges, while the bud has a deep purple appearance.



AAA+ Grease Monkey Live Resin


AAA+ Grease Monkey Live Resin

The Grease Monkey high is a creeper, building up behind the eyes before suddenly taking hold. You’ll suddenly feel a slam to the head of euphoric relaxation that lulls you into a mental state of calm and haze. This effect will quickly become sleepy, easing both mind and body into a completely sedated state that’s calming and relaxing.



AAAA Animal Cookies Live Resin


AAAA Animal Cookies Live Resin

The Animal Cookies high comes on fast and hard with a rushing lifted feeling that fills your mind with a happy and unfocused euphoria. As you fade further into this giggly hazy state, a relaxing body high will wash over you, lulling you into a deep state of ease and calm. This combination quickly becomes sedative, leaving you dozing off before you expect it.



AAAA+ Gorilla Glue #4 Live Resin


AAAA+ Gorilla Glue #4 Live Resin

This celebrity strain is a favorite of patients and breeders around the world for its super heavy effects and long-lasting high that will totally knock you flat out. The high comes on with a building effect, slowly filling your mind with a lifted euphoria and light creative energy. This bud has a spicy chemical chocolate flavor with a heavily diesel exhale that turns slightly sweet the more that you toke.


AAAA+ Runtz of Eden Live Resin


AAAA+ Runtz of Eden Live Resin

Runtz of Eden is just as eye-opening as it is delicious, with mentally clarifying effects that can last for hours on end. You’ll feel lifted and energized from start to finish, infused with a happy focus that is great for social situations rather than homework or work. A light physical relaxation accompanies this mental state, helping your body to feel sweet relief from any aches or pains without causing too much sedation.



AAAA+ Strawberry Runtz Live Resin


AAAA+ Strawberry Runtz Live Resin

Strawberry Runtz has a mouthwatering taste of sweet and creamy strawberry candy with a light touch of grassiness to it, too. The Strawberry Runtz high hits you almost as soon as you’re done with your first amazing exhale, rushing into your mind with a sense of giddy energy and euphoria. You’ll find your mind filled with motivation and clear-headed focus that gets you moving on anything on your to-do list with ease.



AAAA+ Jokerz Candy Live Resin


AAAA+ Jokerz Candy Live Resin

This potent indica offers a deliciously warming high and amazing, candy-like flavor in each and every tasty little toke. The high will wrap its away round you a few minutes after your final exhale, lulling you into a state of deep relaxation and ease that has you feeling super calm and kicked back from the start.



AAA+ Tropical OG Live Resin


AAA+ Tropical OG Live Resin

The Tropical OG high is one of happy clarity that is great for killing the effects of a variety of conditions. The high starts with a clear-headed lift that leaves you feeling motivated yet relaxed with a sense of purpose. As this high builds, your relaxation will wash throughout the rest of your body, leaving you calm without feeling sedated or heavy.



House Budget Alien Dawg Live Resin


House Budget Alien Dawg Live Resin

The effects are strongly uplifting, delivering a potent dose of euphoria. Use it late at night, as it induces a deeply sedating, sleepy feeling. At the same time, it spurs cerebral creativity and boosts mood. Alien Dawg has a sharp, bitter flavor with sour notes of earth and pine.